“Device Identification Technology for generating extended, relevant and efficient Traffic Information”
“Collaboration Challenges Project”
In Itinere project is aimed at establishing new variables of traffic information to improve the prediction of travel times.
In Itinere project aims to identify and determine new traffic variables that can be extracted from the information provided by on board Bluetooth devices passing through a given area.
Never-before-used data such as dwell time, the number of multiple detections and their dispersion will allow the generation of relevant traffic information such as: dwell times and separation of traffic flows at urban junctions and highway accesses. In addition, In Itinere project will also address the problem of travel time prediction, based on AVI system measurements.
This project has been co-financed with FEDER Funds, “State Reserarch Agency (AEI)” and the “Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities” as part of the Research, Development and Innovation Spanish Program Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016. (Exp. RTC-2016-5177-4)

Duration: 2016-2019
Participants: The consortium, led by SICE, has the participation of the UPM.