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Lighting and energy


Energy service company (ESCO) contracts

These are public-private partnership projects, based on financing works through the energy savings obtained during the first phase of remodelling a municipality’s public lighting installation.

SICE offers an advanced, smart control and management platform, developed in-house and tailored to the needs of each client and project, known as SIDERA Lighting. This platform is able to monitor in real time the operation of the installed systems and equipment that manage the lighting, detecting possible problems and offering optimal corrective and preventive measures.

Within the P1 service, SICE is generally responsible for:

  • Payment of the electricity bill for the lighting installations.
  • Negotiations with reseller companies.
  • Monitoring and reporting to municipalities, to verify the expected energy savings.

Under the P2 service, SICE carries out the following work:

  • Periodic visual inspections of the installations (luminaires, supports, electrical boards, etc.).
  • Exhaustive checks of these same elements.
  • Regulatory inspections of installations (authorised control bodies).
  • Human resource management to ensure full availability of facilities.

An essential service, P3, within this type of contract. SICE carries out replacement work on all the elements that form part of the installation free of charge to the municipality.

  • 24/7 on-call service.
  • Maintenance management system with notifications and incidents.

The P4 service is the basis for this type of contract. SICE mainly carries out the modernisation of the entire installation as the first step under the contract.

  • Lighting studies conducted to analyse the ideal solution.
  • Technical-economic study of the electrical loads of the supply points.
  • Supply and installation of luminaires with LED technology.
  • Remodelling of the installation to bring it into line with current standards.
  • Supply, installation and commissioning of a remote management system (HW + SW).
  • Negotiation of the tariff with electricity reseller companies.
  • Legalisation of the installation, and verification of compliance with lighting levels.

The economic sustainability of the contract comes from the economic savings on the energy bill resulting from the modernisation of the infrastructure.

This service is typically complementary to the above. SICE provides a lighting service for festive events in some ESCO projects:

  • Rental and installation of decorations.
  • Energy consumed within service 1.
  • Different types of festive events:
  • Christmas Lighting.
  • Lighting for local festivals.
  • Processing of provisional installations.

As with P5, this service is complementary. It generally establishes a price basis for the municipality to collaborate with SICE on work outside the ESCO-type project:

  • Expansion of the installation.
  • Alternative works within the City Council-SICE collaboration.

Since the emergence of this type of contract, SICE has maintained a leading role in the outdoor lighting sector, especially following several ESCO-type contract awards.

The benefits of these contracts lie mainly in terms of energy savings and their translation intoCO2emission savings. Another of the main benefits is the adaptation of the lighting to the real needs of each of the roads that are lit. Thanks to the first phase of the contract involving implementation of the project, serving as the basis for the entire project. Lastly, thanks to the implementation of systems to generate alerts and incidents, the citizen is involved and a connection is established between SICE and the road user.

The savings obtained by SICE in this type of contract are between 50% and 70%. In this type of contract, SICE implements a technology capable of regulating the power current supplied to the luminaires, thus adapting the lighting needs of each city/street to the demands or particular habits of each case. By applying this technology, SICE has managed to boost energy savings to figures very close to 80%, with the guarantee that the lighting levels established by the standard are met, and always guaranteeing the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles on our streets.