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SICE to deploy the telecom and control systems in three new metro stations in Stockholm

SICE to deploy the telecom and control systems in three new metro stations in Stockholm

Stockholm is expanding its public transportation capacity to meet the increasing mobility needs arising from the growth of the population in the Swedish capital over the last years. As part of the infrastructure plan approved to meet such necessities, the green line is being expanded from Odenplan through three new stations in Hagastaden, Södra Hagalund and Arenastaden.

The scope of this project includes the deployment of the telecom and control system in these three new stations, along the service tunnels as well as in the technical spaces. These technical systems include, among others, the access control, fire detection, radiocommunications, video monitoring and the fiber optic network, as well as the integration with the upper-level systems.

SICE obtains its third contract with Region Stockholm after the award in 2019 and 2020 of the temporary safety technical installations during the expansion of the new blue and green metro lines. SICE will continue its operations in Sweden and consolidates its presence in the Nordic countries through our participation in the most representative projects in Sweden (Stockholm Bypass, Stockholm Metro), Denmark (Femern Link), and Norway (Sotra Connection).

Metro Estocolmo Verde

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