Corporate compliance program
The organisation is committed to complying with the highest standards of business ethics and has a Corporate Compliance Programme since 1 June 2015, which is periodically reviewed by external consultants of recognised prestige and which sets out, in an organised manner, the measures implemented to create an environment of prevention, detection and early management of risks. Among other things, this programme has a special focus on the fight against criminal and anti-competitive offences, ensuring the highest level of integrity in all business practices.
The organisation adheres to the VINCI Codes, which sets out the principles shared by all its employees and business partners and whose fundamental values are defined in the 5 reference documents listed below:
These guidelines are based on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the 8 core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Any person who is aware or legitimately suspicious about any type of unlawful act or offence can disclose this through the following channels enabled:
The previous disclosure systems can also be used as a resource to resolve any questions referring to the Corporate Compliance Program itself.